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花藝是治癒的過程 Floral arrangement is a healing process

Agnes 開了Studio of Joy這間香港花店後, 想表達花藝除了陶冶性情, 也是治癒的過程。以前Agnes的美術科都很不錯, 但是Agnes在香港教育制度下不得不將美術科視為一個學科。有時候用了評分的制度來看待自己的作品, 又會將力不從心的位置放大了。所以後來覺得美術科很沒趣, 沒有再發展了。

之後Agnes有接觸過化妝, 在當中也得到一些成功感, 可以幫別人扮靚靚是非常開心的。但後來發現力不從心的地方更大了, 特別頭髮真的對Agnes來說很難處理, 很想力求完美卻很多時候做不到。現在你可以讓Agnes義務性地做一些化妝工作, 很樂意呢! 但在矛盾之中, 很難堅持成為一個事業。

事業成為恆久, 往往同自己的價值觀有關。價值觀上加上自己有得益, 那種得益不只是金錢上, 也有心靈上。

別人眼看見Agnes在其他方面的事業很不錯, 但很想在這個時候去培養另外一個興趣, 就是插花, 就是花藝。除了認識新朋友外, Agnes是想在拼搏的生命中, 有一些不用和別人、和自己競爭的興趣, 想不到成為她第二事業呢!

Agnes在花藝中得到了的是心靈上的安慰, 是當時需要的安慰。Agnes開這間香港花店是要宣揚這個好訊息,沒有覺得在云云花店中競爭。雖然大家都在賣花束、花籃等, 但Agnes覺得都是在大家身上學習, 每一個花藝師各有特色。

每當Agnes為每個顧客準備花束, 都用一個代入的想像 (有時候不知道送花束的是誰呢! Agnes只有幻想。), 將最好和最合適的花紥成一個花束, 也將自己這份心意束在花束裡, 希望收花者都感受到開心愉悅的心情。

Agnes opened Studio of Joy, a flower shop in Hong Kong, aiming to express that floral arrangement is not only a way to cultivate one's temperament but also a healing process. In the past, Agnes had a talent for fine arts, but due to the education system in Hong Kong, she had to view fine arts as just an academic subject. Sometimes, when she evaluated her own work using a grading system, it magnified her feelings of inadequacy. So she found fine arts to be dull and stopped pursuing it further.

Later on, Agnes became involved in makeup artistry and found some senses of accomplishment in it. She enjoyed making others look pretty. However, she discovered that her limitations were even more prominent, especially when it came to hairstyling. Agnes desired perfection but often fell short. Now, she would gladly offer her makeup services voluntarily, but she found it difficult to turn it into a career due to this internal conflict.

A career is often intertwined with one's values. If Agnes finds personal fulfillment in her workn and develop it as a career, it goes beyond monetary gains and extends to her psychological well-being.

While others might only see Agnes's success in other career, she had a strong desire to cultivate a new interest at that time, which was floral arrangement. Besides making new friends, Agnes wanted to have a hobby that didn't involve competition with others or herself, something she could enjoy in her striving life. She later has made it as her second career!

In floral arrangement, Agnes found solace for her soul, something she needed at that time. By opening her flower shop in Hong Kong, she aims to spread this positive message without competing with other similar shops. Although everyone may be doing the same as selling bouquets and flower baskets, Agnes believes there is something to learn from each florist, as they each have their own unique style.

Whenever Agnes prepares a bouquet for a customer, she imagines herself in their shoes (sometimes not knowing who the recipient is, just fantasizing!). She carefully arranges the most suitable and beautiful flowers, infusing her own heartfelt intentions into the bouquet. Her hope is that the recipient feels joy and happiness upon receiving the flowers.


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