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Light-colored Bouquet 粉色系花束

Light-colored bouquet suits young mothers! Agnes thinks this suitable for girlfriends too. All women loves light-tone bouquets. Tones can be custom-made.

淡雅色調的花束非常適合年輕媽媽! Agnes認為這款也很適合送給女朋友。所有女性都喜愛這種粉色系的花束。色調可以客製化。歡迎和我們客戶服務部門聯繫。

Light-colored Bouquet 粉色系花束

    1. All floral arrangement items take 7-14 days for the arrangement. 所有產品製作需時7-14天。
    2. Different types of flowers have their own seasons. Our customer service will contact you in advance to let you know if there is any change on the usage of flowers. Designs may be different from time to time due to the flower seasons.
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